Nov 12 2014

Product Promotion #1

So when I was born, mommy & daddy noticed my big appetite. So big in fact that I would be too mad to even nurse. And when I did nurse, the milk just couldn’t come fast enough for me. So we made the switch to being exclusively bottle-fed (no biggie, my sister was, too). But then, we started realizing that I was sucking in a lot of air from those bottles because I was wanting to eat so fast. Enter gas pains. I’d start crying in the middle of my feedings, and my burps were quite epic. And then I’d start crying again because I was still hungry. It was no fun.

Mommy had heard about Dr. Brown’s bottles a few years ago, so she thought she’d give them a try. She bought one, and we immediately noticed a difference. I was sucking in much less air, and I was actually drinking slower and more steadily. No more crying. Well, unless I’m hungry.


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